UJA-Federation, Met Council, Food Bank For New York Provide 2 Million Pounds of Foods For Passover

By Joel Leyden
Israel News Agency

New York, New York --- April 3, 2012 .... As we approach Passover, more than 100,000 Jewish families in New York City will find themselves without money to put food on the table. Many households in New York are suffering from unemployment, dwindling savings and credit cards being denied.

Met Council and the Food Bank For New York City, two of New York City’s major hunger-relief organizations, are partnering to fight hunger by launching an interactive Virtual Food Drive, which will be live from March 19 – April 14, 2012. The Met Council is an affiliate of UJA-Federation of New York.

Unlike a traditional food drive, the Virtual Food Drive mirrors the experience of online grocery shopping. Users will be able to choose staple Passover items to fill a shopping cart and then check out to make a secure donation. Thanks to Met Council and the Food Bank’s wholesale purchasing power and efficient distribution models, dollars are stretched to ensure the maximum impact is made through each donation.

Among the items that can be donated on the Passover Foods Donation Internet page are: parsley, apples, matzah, eggs, gefilte fish, potatoes, grape juice and Kosher chicken.

Last Passover, Met Council helped feed more than 50,000 Jewish families in need. This year, Met Council is committed to providing over 2 million pounds of Kosher food with the Food Bank's support.

This is the first time that the Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty is handing out prepaid, debit American Express cards. In doing so, they are asking 60 sites - including their 25 satellite neighborhood Jewish Community Councils to inform local Jewish families through the Internet using Google, Google News, Facebook and through the conventional use of their synagogues with the help of Rabbis, teachers and newsletters.

For more than 90 years, UJA-Federation has been a central force for communal planning and philanthropy in the New York Jewish community. Through UJA-Federation, more than 60,000 donors pool their resources to help people in need, inspire a passion for Jewish life and learning, and strengthen Jewish communities around the world - to address the issues that matter to us most as Jews and as New Yorkers. Working with more than 100 network beneficiary agencies, synagogues, and other Jewish organizations, the reach of UJA-Federation of New York spans from New York to Israel to more than 60 other countries around the world, touching 4.5 million people each year.

In Israel, where one out of three children are living below the poverty line, both Yad Ezra V'Shulamit and Meir Panim are providing food for the poor over Passover. The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ), headed by Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, provided over $2 million to help as many as 200,000 needy Jewish people throughout Israel and the former Soviet Union receive packages of food for their Passover celebrations last year.

If you have read this article, please click on one of these Jewish charities to make a contribution.
Whether it's 18 or 18,000 dollars, no amount is too small or too big for a child with a hungry stomach.


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