UJA-Federation of New York Sponsors Bat Mitzvah of 240 Girls in Gan Yavne, Israel

By Joel Leyden
Israel News Agency

New York, New York --- March 23, 2012 .... UJA-Federation of New York will be sponsoring the mass Bat Mitzvah of 240 girls in a ceremony this Sunday, March 25, at the Makabim School in Gan Yavne, Israel. Gan Yavne Mayor, Dror Aharon and other dignitaries will be attending. This unprecedented ceremony, which is also sponsored by ZIKA - Gan Yavne will begin at 5:30 pm and is open to the media and photographers.

"We are elated to take part in this amazing event that for the first time turns the Bat Mitzvah ceremony into a community celebration," said Dorothy Tananbaum, chair of UJA-Federation's Commission on Jewish Identity and Renewal.

"The UJA-Federation is proud to support this project as part of our ongoing support for programs in Israel that promote Jewish identity and renewal."

The 240 girls, from both religious and secular backgrounds in Israel, attend different schools in the Gan Yavne area. The ceremony will feature original text composed by the girls and their mothers over the past month as well as a musical play, producted by the girls, which will showcase the different women heroes in Jewish history.

“The event is a project that was initiated by ZIKA for Bat Mitzvah girls and their mothers in order to enrich this special time in their lives with significant substance as well as to follow them as they become a Bat Mitzvah,” said Orly Kenneth, director of ZIKA - Gan Yavne.

For more than 90 years, UJA-Federation has been a central force for communal planning and philanthropy in the New York Jewish community. Through UJA-Federation, more than 60,000 donors pool their resources to help people in need, inspire a passion for Jewish life and learning, and strengthen Jewish communities around the world - to address the issues that matter to us most as Jews and as New Yorkers. Working with more than 100 network beneficiary agencies, synagogues, and other Jewish organizations, the reach of UJA-Federation of New York spans from New York to Israel to more than 60 other countries around the world, touching 4.5 million people each year.


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