Reaching Millions: The 8 Secrets of Internet Marketing, Social Media, Digital PR


Joel Leyden reaching millions online from Haiti for
humanitarian aid after the devastating 2009 earthquake.

By Joel Leyden
Israel News Agency

New York, NY --- October 28, 2011 .... Today is my birthday. But gifts don't go one way here. What you are about to read are the eight secrets to reaching millions online. Yeah, there have been many other news and feature stories like this on the Net, but were the authors on the Web since 1995? Are they integrated marketing professionals?

First, at least 80 percent of those who say that they "know" social media are full of it. Yes, maybe they know how to post a status update and create a banner ad but can they tell you about POP, branding, display advertising, media placement, multi level marketing?

Let's separate the virgins from the pros (media professionals) and simply count how many "friends" they have on Facebook, how many contacts on LinkedIn and how many videos they have uploaded to YouTube. Better yet, ask their clients if they have converted their Internet traffic into real customers!

So sit back, relax, pour yourself a cup coffee or a glass of wine and enjoy the following. I have never gone public with these trade secrets.

Am I afraid that I will lose business by giving this away? No way. Ya also got to be an excellent journalist turned digital marketing and PR professional, one who knows how to write professionally. Lastly, you have to know the search engines from before they were born.

Got a pen? Excuse me, I forgot, ya gonna copy and paste this. Right? Can you at least give credit to the Leyden Digital PR, Social Media Group. Thanks!

The Web begins with an anchor. Your home base is a Website. And the first place to start is with a domain name with keywords inside that describe where and what you do. For me I am,,,,, and about 400 other domains that I use for targeted marketing on the Net.

How can you penetrate the Web in minutes and reach millions - use Google News. This Google News story is an example of this market penetration. In Google's search engines within minutes of uploading this news story. Don't have a news portal which is indexed by Google News? Then use PRWEB, PRNewswire, PRLog, RushPRNews or one of the many PR distribution online media channels.
They vary in cost and distribution channels but are well worth it.

Optimize your content - SEO - for the search engines. Stay away from Flash and make your homepage keyword rich. Be sure to place those keywords in the headline, META tags, description, inside links and your URL.

Use Blogs. Using a Google Blog at Blogger will assure you that your Blog will be indexed within minutes by Google.

Create a Facebook presence and work it. Add new friends, but do so slowly as Facebook will disable you if it believes that you are spamming. Create Facebook groups and invite your friends to join them - from Facebook and from other marketing platforms such as print ads, brochures and broadcast media - TV and radio.

Get onto Twitter and network. Create new friends and announce what you and your clients are doing. Follow others and have others follow you as you enter your hash marks before popular keywords to reach maximum reach.

Join After an infusion of several millions of dollars a few years ago, LinkedIn became the place to find and make professional contacts. Excellent for job hunting. But remember that when TIME, AP, Reuters, CNN and or Le Monde come looking to interview you, they will most likely find you on Facebook, same place that the CIA, FBI, Mossad, MI5 and other INTEL organizations watch your every move!

Side note - the above mentioned INTEL organizations are among the best when it comes to using the Net. They are only outdone by and Can't win them all!

People love pictures. Moving pictures. Videos on YouTube can tell your and your clients story with better ease than words. Produce a 30 second to 4 minute video on YouTube and get famous quick. Place that YouTube video on your Website's home page.

PPC which means pay per click on sponsored links on the Net such as Google Adwords, is potent for getting your Web marketing campaign launched. After your Web properties are in orbit, rely upon organic Internet marketing, back links, SEO and Google New stories.

Did I mention Wikipedia? No. You don't want to be there. It's the same as using a public toilet - you never know who was there editing before and after you. Stay away from the Wikipedia Curse!

Now take all of your Web properties and advertise them in select general and trade print media. Use both to bounce back and forth between one another. Now ya smoking - you have just produced a cost-effective viral marketing monster online.
Recent marketing studies indicate that when you integrate social media and PR with print, TV and radio advertising - revenues jump.
That's a fact.

OK, I lied. I just gave you 10 digital marketing secrets, not eight. And there are many more from where these come from.
For the rest ya gotta pay me. Someone needs to pay for my children's food!

By the way, if your Internet marketing, social media or SEO company has not provided you with the above information, its time for you to move on and find a professional digital marketing and PR firm which is substance, not style. And seek out mature, experienced integrated marketing professionals. Go for someone who has been working online for at least 10 years.

Steve Jobs proved that age is no barrier. Just the reverse. Jobs, the former Apple CEO, illustrated that classic PR, advertising and marketing knowledge when combined with Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 sings.

Sings with the sweetness of true success and ROI for your money and efforts.
Happy birthday and share the gift.



The above news content was edited and SEO optimized in Israel by the Leyden Digital PR SEO New Media Group - Israel, New York, Hartford.

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