Israel President Shimon Peres Visits Police Anti Terrorism Unit

By Joel Leyden
Israel News Agency

Tel Aviv, Israel ---- February 4, 2011 ...... Part of the following was communicated by the Israel Government Press Office to the Israel News Agency.

Israel President Shimon Peres, accompanied by Israel Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch, Israel Police Inspector-General Dudi Cohen and Israel Border Police Commander Yisrael Yitzhak, observed a Border Police Anti-Terror Unit (MAGAV) exercise a demonstration of the Unit's various equipment and capabilities.

The commander of the Anti-Terrorism unit told President Peres: "All of the unit's fighters risk their lives while serving Israel and we are proud of them. We have shown you the Unit's capabilities in taking vigorous and persistent action to defeat terrorism and defend Israel citizens."

President Peres, who served as Israel Defense Minister at the time of the famous Entebbe Rescue Raid, was impressed by the Unit's high operational abilities, weaponry and innovative technologies.

Peres spoke with Unit members and said: "I would like to thank you on behalf of the citizens of the state of Israel. The Anti-Terror Unit is the best in the world and thanks to you, Israel became the first nation in the world to fight terrorism with such a high degree of success. Each one of you has saved the lives of hundreds of Israelis in anonymous actions that demanded courage, precision, speed and professionalism, and the results attest to this."

Israel Public Security Minister Aharonovitch said that Israel could be proud and noted that counter-terrorism experts from the US, Canada, UK and France to Japan, Germany, Brazil and China come to study the Israel Police Anti-Terror Unit's operational capabilities.

Israel Police Inspector-General Cohen said that in the coming years, Israel will need to increase the special Unit's activities and added that the Unit has made a significant difference in dealing with both organized crime and terrorism in Israel.

In response to a question from a member of the Unit, President Peres said: "The disputes among the security establishment senior leadership must stop at once. All commanders must halt their media appearances immediately, for the good of the IDF and the country. I know all of the commanders personally and as a friend, I reiterate that now, given what is going on around us, we must put an end to these arguments that harm us all. This is the will of the people and of the soldiers and commanders in the field."

Regarding abducted IDF soldier Gilad Shalit, President Peres said that the State of Israel was committed to returning him home safe and sound.

Shimon Peres, public servant, parliamentarian, Israel's eighth and twelveth Prime Minister and its ninth's President, was born in Wieniawa, Poland (now Vishniev in Belarus) in 1923 and immigrated to Mandatory Palestine with his family at the age of eleven. He grew up in Tel Aviv and attended the agricultural high school at Ben Shemen.

In 1953, at the age of 29, Peres was appointed by Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion to the post of Director General of the Defense Ministry, a position he held until 1959. During that period, he shaped the special relations between Israel and France and established Israel's electronic aircraft industries as well as its nuclear program.



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