Jews Against Ron Paul Open Facebook Group Illustrating Racist, International Threat

Photo: Stephen Hughes

By Herb Brandon
Israel News Agency

Jerusalem, Israel --- December 28, 2011 .... Jews Against Ron Paul for President have opened a Facebook group to address Paul's racist and dangerous foreign policy positions for the US.

"Ron Paul is a dangerous man,"says Joel Leyden, an international media consultant and respected journalist who has served Western governments and commercial organizations. "He epitomizes extreme racist views towards both Jewish and Black populations. He states that Israel should not exist, that the Jews and CIA were behind 9/11 and that Dr. Martin Luther King was a “gay pedophile".

"That the US should allow Islamic nations such as Iran which practice Islamic Jihad (Holy War against Jews and Christians) to develop nuclear weapons."

Ron Paul is not working with a full deck. Paul’s views on Israel, Jews and African Americans are well known to many. The Republican Jewish Coalition decided to exclude the Texas congressman from a US Presidential debate in early December, saying: "there is no reason to allow Paul to pretend he is anything but an extremist who is far outside of the mainstream, especially when it comes to issues concerning the US - Israel alliance."

But to ignore Paul would be equal to have ignored Adolph Hitler in his rise to power in Germany. Both men rose to power using nationalism and fear tactics. And a psychotic ability to twist the truth. And the comparison does not end there as Paul allows the neo-Nazi publication StormFront to publish his racist anti Christian, anti Jewish and anti black messages. Other friends very close to Ron Paul include the John Birch Society, neo-Confederates, holocaust deniers and the Klu Klux Klan.

In February 2011 Representative Ron Paul (R-TX) introduced an amendment to end all US aid to Israel. The Ron Paul proposal would not have lowered the US budget deficit but it would have abandoned democratic Israel while its Islamic enemies gain strength, risking a major war in the Middle East. A major war would cost the US billions of dollars and thousands of lives as we have already seen in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Paul wants the US to duck and hide. Ron Paul wants to dismantle the most potent weapon the US has - INTEL. To rip apart the CIA, NSA and military INTEL.

Sounds crazy? So crazy that many started to ignore Paul until he started gaining votes in Iowa. Crazy until he actually created a Facebook group entitled: Zionists For Ron Paul.

"Ron Paul's PR people came right onto my page on Facebook," say Leyden who is also an Internet and social media pioneer. "They wanted to convince me and the 5,000 friends I share on my page that Ron Paul is pro Israel. That would be like saying Islamic Jihad is pro Israel. They argued that Paul would leave Israel alone to fight its own battles. Problem is that Israel coordinates her security issues with the US, UK, France and other Western nations. We don't work alone nor do we desire to. We know that Ron Paul does not care that Hamas rockets fall on our children in Sderot and Beer Sheva and that the US should not have rescued Jews from the Holocaust. The man is dangerous and we will not ignore him."

Leyden and a few other Jews and Christians from Israel and the US have created the Facebook group: Jews Against Ron Paul to illustrate how Paul's beliefs would be disastrous for the US and the free world.

Paul blames the US and Israel for scaring Iran into taking defensive actions to protect itself. When asked by the media how he might deter Iran if it ever did pose a nuclear threat, Paul responded: “maybe offering friendship to them.”

While defending the terrorist-sponsoring Iranian regime’s right to seek nuclear arms, he denies that Iran’s nuclear enrichment program is anything to worry about. Paul says there is no credible evidence that Iran is getting close to acquiring a nuclear bomb, despite a disturbing report to the contrary issued last month by the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Recently, Ron Paul has been questioned about controversial newsletters written under his name in the 80s and 90s that frequently included racist, bigotry, and conspiracy theories. Over the last few days, Paul has said that he did not write the newsletters and disavowed their contents.

Paul’s denials, however, are not supported by the very open public record. When the newsletters first arose as an issue in 1996, Paul didn’t deny authorship. Instead, Paul personally repeated and defended some of the most incendiary racist claims against Jewish and Black Americans in his newsletters.

"Ron Paul appears to be totally out of touch with reality," says Leyden. "But when it comes to marketing and public relations, he is highly professional. That's what makes him dangerous. Not just to the children of Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Gaza but also to the children of New York, London, Paris and Des Moines, Iowa."




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