Obama: Osama bin Laden, Leader of 9/11, Killed In Firefight With US Troops

Bin Laden dead, nuclear Iran must now be addressed.

By Joel Leyden
Israel News Agency

Washington D.C. ---- May 1, 2011 ...... US President Barack Obama has just announced that 9/11 terror attack mastermind, al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, was killed by US special forces in Pakistan.

“Tonight, I can report to the American people and to the world that the United States has conducted an operation that killed Usama bin Laden, the leader of Al Qaeda,” said President Obama.

Obama said bin Laden was not a Muslim leader, but a "mass murderer of Muslims." The President said bin Laden was captured with the help of Pakistani intelligence.

Bin Laden was killed, along with other members of his family in a mansion outside Islamabad.

Diplomats in Israel congratulate the US President and the people of the free world in this victory of democracy over Islamic Jihad.

After reports of repeated initial denials, in 2004 Usama bin Laden claimed responsibility for the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States. The Islamic terror attacks involved the hijacking of four US commercial passenger aircraft, the subsequent destruction of those planes and the World Trade Center in New York City, New York, severe damage to The Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, and the deaths of 2,974 people and the nineteen hijackers.

In response to the 9/11 terror attacks, the US launched a War on Terror to depose the Taliban regime in Afghanistan and capture al-Qaeda operatives, and several countries strengthened their anti-terrorism legislation to preclude future attacks. The CIA's Special Activities Division was given the lead in tracking down and killing or capturing bin Laden.

Israel security analysts state that bin Laden death will have a direct affect on Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah operations.

"US Special Forces are to be complimented for having conducted a precise operation in killing bin Laden, without losing any of their own forces or any innocent civilians," said the security analyst."Islamic Jihad has just lost a few more men to virgins in heaven. This is a day for every democracy, every peace loving Muslim, Jew and Christian to celebrate and embrace. But we must remember that the war on terrorism is not yet over. The present government of Iran is doing all they can to create nuclear weapons to use against Israel, Europe and the US. We can smile about bin Laden, but must not lose focus that Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has sworn to wipe Israel off the map. Israel will continue to take every measure to insure the security of the people of Israel and all citizens of the free, democratic world."

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated: "This is a resounding triumph for justice, freedom and the values shared by all democratic nations fighting shoulder to shoulder in determination against terrorism."

Israel President Shimon Peres applauded the killing of Osama bin Laden, saying that it was a great achievement for the US defense establishment, US President Barack Obama and the free world.

"Bin Laden was one of the biggest murderers in history and he received his sentence," said Peres. "The world can breathe a sigh of relief at seeing the punishment he received, despite the fact that justice was late in coming."

The news reaches Israel as the Jewish nation marks Holocaust Memorial Day.



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