In Israel, Michael Cherney Foundation Gives Children, Nature A Chance

By Herb Brandon
Israel News Agency

Jerusalem, Israel ---- June 27, 2011 .... The Jerusalem Children’s Art Studio recently enjoyed its year-end show. The program has been sponsored by Michael Cherney Foundation.

This year’s show’s theme was Give Nature a Chance. Accordingly, among the many drawings and paintings were a number of artistic works related to the environment.

The art studio in Jerusalem is attended by young children from the Russian-speaking community throughout Israel.

At the official closing, parents of the children voiced their gratitude to the administration responsible for the studio and the PRI Association, whose support made the art studio possible.

The Michael Cherney Foundation, offers assistance to new arrivals (Olim), victims of catastrophes and Islamic terrorism that continue to bleed Israel, as well as to the low-income victims of terror in other countries.

Another equally important task assumed by the Michael Cherney Foundation is its effective and comprehensive media effort in the war against terror.



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