Israel Anti Terrorism Jerusalem Summit Meets German Christian Zionists On Islamic Apartheid

By Herb Brandon
Israel News Agency

Jerusalem ----- May 20, 2008 ....... Israel and German public figures met recently in a series of meetings which were held in Berlin and Dresden, Germany. These meetings between Jewish and Christian leaders were scheduled around Holocaust Memorial Day which commemorates the catastrophe of Jews in Europe.

The Israel delegation included Knesset members Rabbi Benny Elon, leader of the Israel National Union opposition, Shai Hermesh, member of the Israel Kadima political party, Josh Reinstein, Director of Knesset's Christian Allies Caucus and Dr. Dmitry Radyshevsky, Director of the Jerusalem Summit.

The visit, which was intiated by the Jerusalem Summit included meetings with members of the Deutsche Bundestag (German Parliament), representing different parties, and with senior officials of the German Foreign Ministry.

The Jerusalem Summit is an international conservative think-tank whose objective is developing an effective and Bible-value-based strategy for fighting the terrorism of radical Islam. The Jerusalem Summit advocates diplomatic and economic sanctions against countries practicing gender and faith apartheid. Major examples of Islamic apartheid can be witnessed in depriving women and religious minorities of equal rights.

The Knesset's Christian Allies Caucus was established in the Israel Parliament in 2004 as a lobby for building a direct line of communication, cooperation and coordination between the Israel Knesset and Christian leaders around the world.

The Jerusalem Summit visit to Germany was organized by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ). The participation of the Israel group in the German commemoration of Shoa was co-sponsored by Israel philanthropist and businessman Michael Cherney (Mikhail Chernoy).

ICEJ organized the joint visit of the Israel delegation and German pastors to Villa Wannsee, the site of the Wannsee Conference in January 1942, where the "Final Solution" became official Nazi Policy, and to the Holocaust Memorial - the new main German center of Remembrance of the Holocaust.

The Israel delegation spoke at the largest Christian pro-Israel event in Germany called "Saxon Christian Friends of Israel", timed to commemorate the Holocaust Memorial Day. The event was organized by approximately a dozen pro Israel Christian groups based in Germany.

"Today, the best way to remember the Holocaust in Germany would consist of a determined effort of German politicians and German society to focus on radical Islam - Islamic terrorism, which is a reincarnation of Fascism, and the regime of Iran that is openly preparing a nuclear Holocaust," said Jerusalem Summit's director Dr. Dmitry Radyshevsky in his speech.

"I trust that those in England, France, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Ireland, Norway, Austria, Holland - all in Europe do realize that this is not merely a question of morality, but of their physical survival as well, since after Israel the Islamists' next target will be Christianity as a whole and Christian Europe in particular."

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