Could Hamas Gaza Terror Rockets Pass Israel, Reach New York, London, Paris?

By Joel Leyden
Israel News Agency

Jerusalem, Israel --- June 24, 2012 ... It's a beautiful, quiet, sunny day in New York. The birds are singing, children are laughing in green, pristine parks and parents are sipping on their Starbucks. All of a sudden an air raid siren goes off. You can hear the words: "Code Red" as you watch people run for their lives seeking shelter in a cement bunker.

Was it another round of Islamic Jihad, Hamas missiles reaching the Big Apple, or London, Paris and Rome?

With US security much improved by Homeland Security, the NSA, CIA and the FBI since 9/11, this scenario today is quite remote.
But a non-lethal simulation created by both Jewish and Christian groups in the US and Europe might give both Americans and Europeans a better understanding what Israel has gone through in the past week.

Over 150 Islamic terror rockets and missiles have slammed into Israel as one million Israeli civilians are now forced to live in air raid shelters.

Why are rockets hitting Israel?

Because Israel is a democracy.
As a free democracy it is a threat to Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Because Islamic terrorists can reach Israeli cities and towns such as Sderot, Beer Sheva, Ashdod and Ashkelon.

Why is Israel not responding to stop these missile attacks?
The IDF - Israel Defense Forces are but with limited force. Israel knows that Syria and Iran could be addressed much more effectively by a democratic revolution. The governments of Syria and Iran are no longer stable and a fallen Islamic dictatorship due to instability is a far better thing than an all out missile war killing thousands of civilians.

But as Israel waits for Bashar al-Assad and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to take stage left - where is global support for the only democratic nation in the world whose civilian population is now being attacked with rockets?

No headlines in New York, Chicago, Manchester or Stockholm.

Where is public awareness? No headlines in Philadelphia, San Francisco, Brazil or Toronto. Nothing in the newspapers of Chile, Greece, Russia, Turkey, Japan or China.

Is that not the job of the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs?
Yes, but they lack the moneys and manpower to create an effective PR campaign.
In contrast, when a Palestinian twists his ankle, millions of dollars pour in from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait and Iran for elaborate PR campaigns such as the Flotilla and the March on Jerusalem.

This morning at a Cabinet meeting in Jerusalem, Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks:

"Regarding events in the south, the IDF is taking strong action against those who are attacking us and it will take even stronger action if need be. Our policy is to use force in order to restore security and quiet to the residents of the south."

Mr. Prime Minister what good is Israeli policy when the world does not understand where it is coming from?
Why have Cabinet meetings on a Sunday, when the world is off fishing, sleeping, drinking or playing football?
Would it not be better to have Cabinet decisions going out to the press on a business day when diplomats, journalists and the general public are listening?

Israel, whose defense on the battlefield is second to none, but severely lacks logistical information going out to the global public.

But that might change.

A group of Jews and Christians in the New York area are now discussing the idea of creating a Support Democracy, Stop Terrorism Day in the US, UK and France.

This public affairs action, being coordinated by, would consist of placing two teams of volunteers on opposite sides of the Hudson River. One group, dressed up in Arab Hamas headgear would be filmed preparing for a missile attack on New York. The missiles would be nothing more than plastic and paper but the message would be stronger than cement.

As the Arab group prepares to launch 100 paper rockets towards New York, another group of volunteers in New York's Central Park would be preparing to set off an air raid siren. A few, real "used" Katusha and Grad rocket shells, taken from police headquarters in Sderot, Israel would be placed on the ground. Children from a nearby Jewish school would count to 15. Fifteen seconds - that's the period of time that children in Israel have to get themselves into a cement air-raid shelter.

Then, staring into the cameras of AP, Reuters, New York Times, CNN, FOX, BBC, Daily News, Newsday and the New York Post they would all ask: "Can you help us? Please don't let us die".

Perhaps a few in London would consider this "over the top" while others, parents with tears in their eyes in Sderot, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Ashdod and Ashkelon, Israel would respond: "is saving the lives of innocent children living in the only democracy in the Middle East, worth your time and support?"



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