Flytilla Welcome to Palestine Campaign Offers Free Tickets to Israel

By Israel News Agency Staff

Jerusalem, Israel --- April 14, 2012 .... As a result of several airlines now canceling the tickets of Flytilla pro Palestine activists and not refunding their moneys, Flytilla organizers are now offering free tickets on their own chartered airline.

Those seeking to take part in the Welcome to Palestine 2012 protest against democracy in Israel can purchase tickets at

"We are having a difficult time getting our activists to Ben-Gurion Airport in Israel," said one of the Flytilla organizers.

"Lufthansa, Air France, and UK based have informed many of our people that Israel produced a list of names of people to whom Israel denies entry and that according to international law, the airlines must abide by the wishes of the countries that they fly to."

“The mission here is to show that, if our governments do not seem to be interested in the fate of Palestinians who have been under occupation for far too long, there are men and women from all countries, who are ready to bring them moral support, using a week of their holidays to go and meet them,” Flytilla organizers told the INA.

"We really don't have anything against the Jewish people, nor even the people of Israel. It is actually democracy which bothers us.
Can you imagine if such great nations such as Iran and Syria allowed democracy and freedom? It would bring down those totalitarian governments and give power to the people. We cannot allow this. Therefore we are coming to Israel to illustrate how the Zionists are starving our children, raping our women and stealing our houmos."

According to organizers the fly-in includes over 350 French citizens in addition to Belgian, British, German, Italian and American activists.

The Israel Public Security Ministry and the Israel Police are now making final preparations ahead of the scheduled PR stunt on Sunday, anticipating that the activists will try to cause disturbances. Israel Police will reinforce their presence at the airport and single out activists when they leave the aircraft with the intention of arresting them. The Flytilla activists will then be deported back to their point of origin as quickly as possible, with minimum disruption to ordinary passengers in the airport.

The Flytilla Welcome to Palestine 2012 marketing campaign is supported by Nobel Peace Prize winner Desmond Tutu, former South African politician Ronnie Kasrils and linguist Noam Chomsky. The government of Iran, terrorist groups Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah also support the Flytilla.

"The Iran government is coordinating Flytilla and paying for the airline tickets," said a Flytilla activist who is posting on both Facebook and Twitter. Our goal, as is that of Islamic Jihad, is to wipe Israel, all Jews and Christians (Infidels) off the map. There can be no room or place for democracy, human rights, equal rights for women and freedom of speech in the Middle East."

The activist concluded: "After we have made our statements heard, we will head down to the sunny beaches of Tel Aviv. We hear that they have excellent restaurants, bars, dancing and night life. What would you do if you had free tickets to Israel and did not qualify for Taglit-Birthright?"

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