As Jews In Israel Are Murdered, As In Nazi Era, Media Turns Blind Eye To Terrorism

By Joel Leyden
Israel News Agency

Jerusalem, Israel --- August 21, 2011 .... Not since the Nazi era of the late 1930's and early 1940's, has the world media turned a blind eye to Jews being murdered. After a bloody series of well coordinated, barbaric terror attacks near Eilat, Israel by Islamic extremists which claimed the lives of 8 Israelis, the world media was mostly silent. Not a word could be found on the front page of USAToday.

Many other newspapers and Internet news sites had the story buried on page 5, 6 or 12. One must credit a few papers for calling the terrorists - terrorists, rather than militants or gunmen, as terrorists are responsible for shooting down civilians.

The New York Times carried a highly distorted fact claiming that Israel "ignited" the violence by responding to a Palestinian terror attack!

As for Reuters and AP - they did their job. They got the news out. But the Western media simply chose to ignore it.

Yes, the terror attacks took place last Thursday, as the Dow Jones, NYSE and NASDAQ were taking another financial dive. So at the very least, we could expect the murder of innocent Jews in Israel to take second story - even third. But no, this was too outside the comfort zone of many editors.

Happening in a place too far away from the sex scandals of Dunkin Donuts, polluted beaches killing birds in California, Katy Perry finding it hard to be a vegetarian or the latest musical concerts in sleepy Tanglewood, Mass.

What happened?

Eight people were murdered and at least 40 people were wounded Thursday 20 kilometers north of the southern Israel city of Eilat, close to the border with Egypt.

The first attack which took place around 12 P.M., was a drive-by shooting targeting an Israel bus traveling from Be'er Sheva to Eilat, Israel.

Immediately afterward, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) ran to the scene and were confronted with several bombs that were detonated alongside an IDF vehicle.

At around 12:35 p.m., a mortar rocket was fired from Egypt to Israel. Then around 1:10 P.M., an Islamic terrorist unit fired an anti-tank missile at a private vehicle, wounding seven Jews. They could have been Christian or Muslim. For terrorists - there is no difference.

Minutes later, another group of Islamic terrorists fired an anti-tank missile at a private vehicle, murdering six.

Just some Jews with bullets in their chests. Blood pouring out next to their family and friends. Is this news?

Israel then takes immediate action to defend herself by making pinpoint, surgical strikes in Gaza against those who planned the attack. Many believed that it was Al Qaeda seeking revenge for the death Osama bin-Laden by US special forces. All the same, the terrorists who were killed were then placed on the same page as the Jewish victims, creating for a perverted editorial balance. Providing the illusion of a tit for tat.

Over 80 rockets were then launched on Friday by Islamic terrorists in Gaza against civilians in Israel. One man was murdered, many injured, a synagogue was destroyed and thousands of Israel children took to spending their weekend in air raid shelters.

Where is the global media?
What nation would sustain over 80 rockets falling on New York, London, Paris, Rome, Toronto, Istanbul, Tokyo, Sao Paolo or Beijing?

Who is to blame for the global media ignoring genocide in Israel but providing banner headlines to "peace flotillas" trying to reach Gaza?

The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs does the best they can. They are under staffed, under paid and do not work on weekends as the religious parties would be down their necks. The IDF spokesperson department does a fine job, but again, hand tied due to a lack of manpower and resources.

I point my finger at US clergy.
American Rabbis and priests who don't look further than 50 miles from where they live. They are the messengers of peace and security. They are the ones whose very job is to inform their communities as to what is happening in the Holy Land. They are the ones who need to be on the telephone with newspaper, Internet, radio and telephone editors asking where is the news of the terror attacks in Israel? They are the ones who need to be on Internet social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook getting the news out.

I point my finger at US and Europe editors, who forget that if Israel goes down, we all go down. That Israel is nothing less than democracy and freedom on the front line. And if we lose that front line, we will all be living under Islamic Sharia law.

Israel President Shimon Peres tried to comfort the Jewish nation: "We are currently facing a difficult test. But this is not the first time and our people know how to unite at such times. Our southern communities are being tested by fire, night and day, and are acting quietly, in a disciplined manner and without hysteria. I salute the residents for their fortitude and am certain that they also know that the IDF will know how to deal with the threat. Even though we are not eager for war, we will defend our citizens seriously and responsibly."

Peres and many others see Islamic Jihad and Hamas trying to break the Israel peace with Egypt. But again where is the foreign media on reporting that Israel is doing all that it can to maintain peace under lethal fire?



Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded to the terror attacks by stating: "If the terrorist organizations believe that they can attack our citizens and get away with it, they will soon learn how wrong they are. We will exact a price, a very heavy price."

If the international media has failed us once again, this is small in comparison to the actions or lack of actions by the UN.

The United Nations has decided that it will not condemn the terror attacks near Eilat after Lebanon's representative rejected the measure.

Lebanon's representative to the UN Security Council said it would endorse a condemnation of the attacks only if the council were to condemn Israel as well, for killing the terrorists who planned the massacre.

“It is outrageous that the Security Council did not clearly condemn the deliberate and appalling murder of many innocent Israeli civilians, which occurred yesterday in a series of coordinated terrorist attacks,” said Israel's ambassador to the United Nations, Ron Prosor.

“The U.N. Secretary General condemned it, the Americans condemned it, the European Union condemned it, yet the bottom line is that the Security Council again failed as a body,” Prosor accused. “Every time an issue pertains to Israel, we see deafening silence. They become blind and deaf.”

“It is no coincidence that Lebanon, the only member of the Security Council that obstructed this statement, is itself dominated by a terrorist organization.”

During the dark days of Nazi Germany as Jews walked into gas chambers, US media either ignored these reports or found it outside their comfort zones. Today, Hamas, Al-Qaeda, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, the governments of Syria and Iran have replaced the Nazis.

Where is the outcry?

A Condolence Page for the Jewish victims of the Eilat, Israel terror attack has been created on Facebook.
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