Michael Cherney Foundation Publishes Diplomatic War for Jerusalem

By Israel News Agency Staff

Jerusalem, Israel --- September 8, 2008 ..... The Michael Cherney Foundation has published the Diplomatic War for Jerusalem: The Story behind the Scenes. The book was printed by Gesharim (Israel) and was co-sponsored by the Israel Embassy in Russia Federation and the Russian Jewish Congress Foundation.

The publishing of the Diplomatic War for Jerusalem: The Story behind the Scenes was timed to commemorate Israel's 60th anniversary.

The Michael Cherney Foundation states that it is the first comprehensive Russia language study of the problem of Jerusalem.

Diplomatic War for Jerusalem: The Story behind the Scenes was authored by Grigori Melamedov, a researcher at Israeli Section of Middle East Institute at Russian Academy of Sciences and Dr. Alec D. Epstein, a lecturer at the Open and Jewish Universities of Israel and Asia and Africa Institute at Moscow University.

The book researches the positions of the parties to the conflict at different stages of the negotiating process. The main focus is on the policy of the states that have controlled Jerusalem, beginning with the 1920s - Britain, Jordan, and Israel, as well as PLO, and Palestinian administration since mid-1990's.

The Cherney Foundation says that the authors also explore the policies of the Vatican and the Eastern Orthodox Churches. Each of the book's five chapters reflects a certain stage of genesis of Jerusalem problem through a period of time. The last chapter analyzes Israel and Palestinian public opinion on the problem of Jerusalem and attempts to forecast the future events.

The Michael Cherney Fund views its main overall objective as helping democratic nations in their war on Islamic terrorism and Apartheid as well as realization of the intellectual potential of the post-Soviet emigres to Israel and their integration into the Israel society.

The foundation was born on June 1, 2001, on the night of the terrorist bombing outside the Dolphinarium Disco in Tel Aviv. When Michael Cherney (Mikhail Chernoy) learned the number of victims - twenty one dead and over 150 wounded - he realized that rendering assistance required a systematic organized effort. This was the genesis of the Michael Cherney Foundation.

Prior to 2001, Michael Cherney was engaged in charity work in Russia, Ukraine, Central Asia, Bulgaria, the US - wherever he did business. He made especially valuable contribution into Jewish philanthropy in Russia.

Following the Dolphinarium tragedy, the Cherney Fund became the helping hand for all the victims.
The Cherney Foundation states that in a misfortune like this, emigres from the former Soviet countries are even worse off than the Israeli-born: they don't have a support system or savings. The Cherney Fund, therefore, renders help mostly to the new arrivals, victims of catastrophes and terrorist acts that continue to bleed Israel, as well as to the low-income victims of terror in other countries.

Another equally important task assumed by the Cherney Foundation is the media effort in war on terror. Shortly after the Dolphinarium attack, the Foundation published a book called Dolphinarium: Terror Targets the Young. The book is an oral history, a representation of the voices of the parents who lost their children and the teenager victims themselves. It was published in three languages and met with acclaim in Israel, the United States, and Russia.

Willy Lindwer, a famous Dutch documentary filmmaker, used the book as the basis for his film Empty Rooms. The film, already acclaimed internationally, was also financed by the Cherney Foundation.

The Fund's contribution into conveying the truth about the war of terror against the Jewish people has met with high appreciation from the media, public organizations, and the Israeli government.

The Michael Cherney Foundation also actively participates in various children and youth-oriented programs in Israel, in human rights and counter anti-Semitism projects, as well in various athletic programs.

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