How To Network At AIPAC, Confront Anti Israel Protesters

By Joel Leyden
Israel News Agency

Washington, D.C. --- March 2, 2013 …They call it the largest Jewish event in North America. Over 13,000 participants are expected to converge on the Washington Convention Center for the AIPAC Policy Conference on Sunday and Monday. Speeches are to be heard by Vice President Joe Biden, Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird and several representatives from the US Congress.

But how can delegates from California and New York meet delegates from Texas and Florida? How can visitors such as architect Steve Jacobs from Los Angeles meet software engineer Avi Shwartz from Tel Aviv? Yes, this is a pro-Israel political conference but where does it get it's money? AIPAC's salaries and activities are funded by donations by businessmen. So why not create a little time for both politics and business at AIPAC.

AIPAC, one of the most prestigious Jewish organizations on Earth and responsible for helping to protect and secure the only democracy in the Middle East, needs as much fuel as they can secure. That AIPAC could not prevent Congress from voting for a newly appointed Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel who states that Israel is approaching Apartheid and has no right to build in Jerusalem, means that AIPAC needs help. So whether you want to discuss Iron Dome or buying real estate in Israel, Chicago or Hartford, let's create a place online where we can coordinate meetings between speeches and meals. To help one another to help AIPAC.

Meeting online and then meeting for face time in Washington is important. It may just pay for your trip to Washington and then some.
We are talking about transportation, clothes, hotels, motels and meals. We are talking about making donations to AIPAC so that their professionals can coordinate their own essential face time with members of Congress.

AIPAC has their own page on Facebook designed to support the Conference. I just created a page on Facebook which might pay for your trip to Washington. It's a closed group. Each person is carefully screened. And once in the room you can meet a variety of good people to discuss Israel's new coalition or secure new patients for your legal or dental practice. You can also communicate in real time on Twitter using the hashtag #AIPAC2013.

But of greatest importance, we need to buy Blue and White. While AIPAC secures political support for the State of Israel we all need to make sure that Israel maintains a healthy economy.

One of the greatest challenges facing Israel today is finding work. And once employed making sure that you are not underemployed. Israelis make about one quarter the salary of what Americans make and as such many cannot afford to remain in Israel. This brain drain is perhaps more critical than political support. If Israelis are fleeing to Europe and North America for employment, who is Iron Dome protecting?

Your first effective step in social networking is joining Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Facebook serves as more of a support group for Israel with rah, rah, rah. But another important element that Facebook serves is that people can find you there and make contact. LinkedIn is totally geared towards business. Both Facebook and LinkedIn set certain limits as to how far you can Network.

I have reached the total number of "friends" on Facebook with over 5,600. I cannot add any more friends but I do have a public page. Not very friendly. What is friendly about Facebook is that there is no limit as to how many groups you can belong to., is just the opposite - no ceiling on "friends" or contacts but they do set a limit for groups. So if you are coming to AIPAC in Washington and wish to meet someone - go to this Facebook group page that contains many who will be in Washington.

Not sure who someone is on Facebook? Copy and paste their name into LinkedIn. Never create a meeting with a perfect stranger without checking them out online and getting their phone number to make verbal contact.

As you walk to and from the Washington Convention Center expect to meet many chanting slogans against Israel.
It's the standard bull shit from Free Gaza and Apartheid to how the Jews are murdering Palestinian babies.

Reality - Israel does not control Gaza!

We left Gaza in an unilateral peace move in 2005. The Islamic terror group Hamas rules Gaza. So if these protesters, who are paid by Iran and Syria, have a complaint, let them speak to the Hamas leadership. As for people starving in Gaza?
The International Red Cross has already declared that there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Israel and the UN transport tons of food and supplies into Gaza on a daily basis.

Apartheid? Israeli Arabs are members of Israel's Knesset. If one truly wants to witness Apartheid, go to Saudi Arabia where even the highways are divided between Muslims and non-Muslims.

Millions are paid by Iran, Syria and other Arab states for PR to discredit Israel. Why?
To distract the global media from their own problems of unemployment, poverty and dictatorships which do not allow human and or women's rights.

When walking past the anti-Israel protesters politely ask them three questions.
And make sure that if any media is covering their protest, that they pick up your questions.
Do not raise your voice. Do not allow them to bait you into anything violent. Remain calm and confident.

Why do you support Islamic Jihad?
Why do support abuse against women?
Why do you allow thousands of civilians to be murdered by Bashar Assad in Syria?

Do not allow these paid mercenaries to place you on the defensive.
Control the narrative and ask them the hard questions which truly reflect reality in the Middle East.


Israel: Canada An Example To Global Democracy In Cutting Diplomatic Ties With Iran



Joel Leyden, journalist, media consultant, social media and SEO pioneer
working with both the Israel Defense Forces and the US Army in Haiti.

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